Bishop Napper is the founder and overseer of the Powerhouse of Deliverance Ministry
headquartered in Hinesville, Georgia. A man who delivers true inspirational messages with
mainstream quality and family values.
Bishop Napper has traveled and preached the word of God for many years. The love of Christ
and a love for others are evident in his life. Bishop Napper is a preacher who walks by faith; his
gifts bring him closer to God.
This powerful preacher is second to none. His testimony of how God brought him and his family
through is amazing. Bishop’s example of unconditional love draws many from near and far. Also
known as the Holy Ghost Cowboy, Bishop Napper rounds up souls for Jesus. His motto is: If
God don’t do it, it can’t be done.
Now receive Bishop Napper: a man of faith, power, and boldness. Bishop Raymond Napper,
Overseer of Powerhouse of Deliverance Church, Inc. of Hinesville, Georgia.